Village Day 2004 Events

We are now busy planning the biennial event for this year.

The event will take place on Saturday 22 June at the earlier starting time of 11am and continue throughout the day, and possibly into the early evening.

There will be a Dog Agility Display with Fun Pet Show to follow. Do you have the best biscuit catcher, or dog with the waggiest tail? Best puppy, best rescue or the dog the judge would most like to take home? These are just some of the fun classes that may be held on the day for you and your K9 friends.

Doggy stalls full of toys and treats too. All we ask is that you keep your dog on a lead at all times.

The Children’s Sports Day events, with sack race, egg and spoon, there legged races and lots of fun to be had and prizes to win!

There may even be a parents race so don’t forget to bring your trainers!

Other attractions may include: Steam Engines, miniature railway, bouncy castles, duck race on the brook, and lots of stallholders around the field and inside the village hall.

Competitions – to be announced: Best Celebration Cake Competition, best cookies, and other competitions yet to be announced.

Raffle with great prizes to include gift vouchers for local shops, pubs, cafes and restaurants.

Food and drink stalls will be on the field to include, hot food stalls, drinks, and ice creams and inside we will have the Village Hall Café. Alternatively if the weather is good why not bring along a picnic.

We’ll keep you posted on our Facebook and website pages. Meanwhile if you would like to volunteer for the event, have a stall, sponsor us, or donate a raffle prize we would love to hear from you. All proceeds and profits are reinvested in this community event.

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The Village Day Team.

Village Day 2024
Village Day 2024
Village Day 2024
Village Day 2024 Scarecrow Competition